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Week ending November 24, 2017

Realeyes - Facial tracking shows Coca-Cola’s “Gogglebox” is most engaging Xmas ad - November 24, 2017
from Alex Burmaster for Realeyes

When it comes to winning over consumers in this year’s battle of the Christmas ads, authenticity and humour have come out on top according to a study that measured viewers’ emotions by tracking their facial expressions as they watched the ads.

Coca-Cola’s offering, featuring Channel 4’s Gogglebox families reacting to its iconic Holidays are Coming ad, was the most engaging of 55 Christmas ads measured by Realeyes and Lucid. It scored better than 96% of the thousands of ads ever tested. Coca-Cola narrowly beat Vodafone’s six-part Christmas love story with actor Martin Freeman and McDonald’s ad about a little girl saving her carrot sticks for the reindeer.

Alongside Coca-Cola and McDonald’s, Tesco was another top 10 ad to feature typical household situations. This authentic theme, providing a more honest insight into the real-life nature of Christmas, was also employed by the likes of Virgin Atlantic, Not On The High Street and TalkTalk, the latter also using Gogglebox families.

“Whilst the hype around Christmas ads has now become a national pastime,it’s sometimes forgotten that their job is to help sell more products and people’s emotional response plays a big part in where they decide to shop,” says Mihkel Jäätma, Realeyes’ CEO. “This year saw advertisers trying to be more authentic by using real-life situations, humour and romance to relate to people, which could be seen as a way to cheer them up via universal themes after what’s been another divisive and turbulent year.”

Last year’s winner John Lewis could only muster 17th spot this year with Moz the Monster, its second-lowest performing Christmas ad of the last seven years. “Naturally, it’s difficult for John Lewis to keep hitting such high standards with the same formula so they could consider changing tack next year,” notes Jäätma.

Romance played its biggest ever part, being a key theme in four of the 10 most engaging ads, with H Samuel, Heathrow and Pandora joining Vodafone in trying to capture people’s hearts. In contrast, many lower-performing ads involved a prolonged focus on showing a product. Jäätma says this suggests that a “shopping window” approach is far less effective at connecting with people at Christmas than a storytelling one.

The study involved Realeyes measuring the emotional reactions of 3,300 people, drawn from Lucid’s audience platform, using AI algorithms to track and interpret their facial expressions as they watched via their webcams. The technology was originally developed at Oxford University.

Mulberry’s Win Christmas from 2014 remains the most engaging Christmas ad ever, scoring 99.5%.

EuroParl - Fighting Fake News: transparency, responsibility and Internet literacy needed - November 23, 2017
from Cornelia Gusa/EuroParl

Technological tools can help humans to flag fake news. But responsible editors, appropriate laws and investment in digital literacy are also vital, Culture Committee MEPs heard on Wednesday.

Ways to identify, control and reduce the impact of fake news on our societies were debated by MEPs and experts at a Culture Committee.public hearing.

Discussing the social and political impact of fake news, all the experts underlined that it spreads fast, due to the “cascade”/amplifier effect of today’s super-connected world.  They therefore suggested using search engines, transparent algorithms and other technological tools to stop the spread of fake news as early as possible. Editorial responsibility and internet literacy are also essential to this aim, they added.

Answering MEPs’ questions and concerns about how fake news can be controlled without compromising freedom of speech or imposing censorship, the experts said that that proper EU regulation is useful and that massive support and funding for digital literacy are also very much needed.

MEPs also asked to what extent technologies can help in identifying and stopping fake news. The  ”human approach” is surely the best way to flag fake information, but technological tools can provide crucial help, experts replied. Fact checking and verifying content is also very useful, as the experts demonstrated with specific examples of real-world experiences.

Participants also asked whether using algorithms to monitor content would raise data protection concerns, to which the experts replied that transparency is the best instrument for enabling proper scrutiny of algorithms and of policies on monitoring how messages are amplified.

Members and experts agreed that media skills are essential in the process of detecting, controlling and stopping fake news. MEPs will discuss possible action or legislation at EU level with the EU Commission, but EU member states should also support all these initiatives, the participants concluded.

Inskin Media - Reader and publisher relationship has catalytic effect on ad effectiveness - November 22, 2017
from Alex Burmaster for Inskin Media

The relationship a reader has with a publisher has far more impact on the effectiveness of online ads than the surrounding editorial content, which suggests concerns around brand safety may be misunderstood, according to a new study.

The study – by Inskin Media, Research Now and Conquest Research – compared the conscious and subconscious reactions of 4,370 people, who were served ads on websites either with or without publisher branding. It revealed that ads on the publisher-branded sites increased consideration for the advertiser by 60% compared to the ads on the site without publisher branding.

Furthermore, among readers with a close relationship to the publisher, consideration for the advertiser was 152% higher than among those who saw the ads on the site without publisher branding. Alongside this, advertiser brand warmth was 33% higher, brand empathy 20% higher and brand proximity (how close people felt to the brand) 19% higher.

“The relationship a publisher has with a user can have a catalytic effect in terms of boosting the effectiveness of the ads it displays, which reveals an important lesson,” said Steve Doyle, Inskin Media’s CCO. “It shows that if online publishers pay more consideration to the reader experience, the ads will be more effective, so they can optimise yield while carrying more selective types of advertising.”

In contrast, there was no systematic pattern to suggest that editorial content impacts the ad – be the article positive or negative or whether it had a similar theme to the ad. For example, a supermarket food advert next to an article about obesity did not overtly affect any brand metrics at all. Also, in isolated cases, a story that was both positive and had a similar theme to the ad could still elicit a negative brand association, suggesting individual parts of the article could have a disproportionate effect.

Doyle says this shows that brand safety is “considerably more complex than the industry might like to admit. For example, we know brand safety is a “PR” issue but what effect does it actually have on readers’ brand perception? More research in this area is required to help marketers devise meaningful and effective brand safety policies, as the area is still a relative unknown."

VPRT zum World TV Day 2017: Milliardenpublikum rund um den Globus - November 20, 2017
from Hartmut Schultz for VPRT

Die Reichweite und Beliebtheit von Fernsehen ist weltweit ungebrochen: Im Tagesdurchschnitt erreicht Fernsehen rund 70 Prozent der jeweiligen Landesbevölkerung, innerhalb einer Woche sind es bereits 90 Prozent. Global liegt die Fernsehnutzung stabil bei drei Stunden täglich, in Europa sogar bei fast vier Stunden. Mit diesen Zahlen unterstreicht der Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien e. V. (VPRT) anlässlich des World Television Days der Vereinten Nationen am 21. November die gesellschaftliche Relevanz des Fernsehens.

Annette Kümmel, Vorsitzende des Fachbereichs Fernsehen und Multimedia im VPRT: „Fernsehen erreicht ein Milliardenpublikum rund um den Globus. Besonders intensiv genutzt werden TV-Programme in Europa und Nordamerika. Fernsehen hat damit einen enorm hohen Stellenwert für die Identitätsstiftung und die Orientierung der Menschen in unseren westlichen Demokratien.“

Europaweit ist die durchschnittliche tägliche TV-Sehdauer seit 2006 um acht Minuten auf 3 Stunden und 54 Minuten gestiegen. Damit bleibt das Fernsehen auch innerhalb der gesamten Bewegtbildnutzung die klare Nummer 1: Im Durchschnitt beträgt der Anteil der Fernsehnutzung an der gesamten Bewegtbildnutzung 90 Prozent.

Im weltweiten Vergleich liegt nur Nordamerika mit 4 Stunden und 14 Minuten täglicher Fernsehnutzung vor Europa. Der Mittlere Osten folgt auf dem dritten Platz mit täglich durchschnittlich 3 Stunden und 50 Minuten, gefolgt von Südamerika (3 Stunden und 44 Minuten), Afrika (3 Stunden und 10 Minuten), Ozeanien (2 Stunden und 56 Minuten) und Asien (2 Stunden und 29 Minuten).

Zur Primetime versammeln sich in Europa mehr als 260 Millionen Zuschauer vor dem Fernseher. Das weltweit größte nationale Fernsehpublikum wurde mit 158 Millionen Zuschauern in China während der Übertragung der Neujahrsfeierlichkeiten gemessen, welche gleichzeitig auf mehreren Kanälen übertragen wurde. Die Übertragung des Super Bowls in den USA sahen 2016 insgesamt 113 Millionen Zuschauer auf ihrem TV-Gerät.

Im innereuropäischen Vergleich ist Rumänien mit 329 Minuten Fernsehnutzung täglich klarer Spitzenreiter, gefolgt von Portugal (287 Min.) und Ungarn (282 Min.). In den Niederlanden beträgt die Fernsehnutzung inklusive zeitversetzter Nutzung gar 94 Prozent der gesamten Bewegtbildnutzung. In Deutschland erreichte Fernsehen im Jahr 2016 einen weitesten Seherkreis von 92,3 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung, eine durchschnittliche Tagesreichweite von 68,9 Prozent und eine tägliche Sehdauer von 3 Stunden 43 Minuten.

Die Daten zur TV-Nutzung basieren auf Publikationen und Zahlen von Eurodata TV Worldwide (One TV Year in the World 2017), RTL AdConnect (TV Key Facts 2017), The Global TV Group und des VPRT (VPRT Mediennutzungsanalyse).

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