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Week ending July 12, 2008

ABI Research - The Future of Consumer Telematics Remains Bright for Providers Offering Flexible Solutions - July 11, 2008
from Nicole Fabris/ABI

Despite the automotive industry being severely hit by economic downturn and high fuel prices, the consumer telematics industry continues to see healthy levels of innovation, with BMW and Chrysler leading the way; both plan to bring Internet access or Wi-Fi connectivity to cars in the United States this year.

“While safety and infotainment remain the cornerstones of consumer telematics offerings, the current global economic climate may shift the focus of many telematics service providers,” says ABI Research principal analyst Dominique Bonte. “Applications that contribute to cost savings will become more important in the future.”

The most obvious cost-savings application candidate is fuel consumption monitoring and reporting. Nissan’s award-winning Eco-drive service, which allows drivers to track individual fuel consumption trends and driving behavior while also comparing fuel-efficiency rankings among CARWINGS members, may well be copied by other telematics providers around the world. Similarly, telematics insurance applications are becoming more popular as they allow drivers to reduce their premiums by up to 30%.

Meanwhile casualties are occurring, with the recent dramatic decision by Norwich Union to pull the plug on its Pay As You Drive insurance offering. The company seems to have fallen victim to the inflexibility of its single-application solution designed for one, which, ironically, may have a bright future ahead; and a similar fate may await the European eCall project as well. It is precisely the versatility of consumer telematics enabling it to respond to changing circumstances that should be its major strength.

“Fortunately,” continues Bonte, “several players are starting to understand that flexible solutions can only be achieved through the adoption of global standards and cooperation among all players in the value chain, with the added incentive of possible cost reductions.” Wind River Systems and Intel recently announced the creation of an open-source Linux platform for automotive infotainment applications guaranteeing hardware and software interoperability. ATX Group’s initiative similarly aims at setting global requirements and standards for safe in-vehicle Web browsing while also providing a framework for easy customization.

OWBT - One World Fellowship Scheme 2008 - call for applications - July 9, 2008
from Signe Glahn/OWBT

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the launch of this year’s One World Fellowship Scheme 2008.

Aimed at senior broadcasters from developing countries working in both the public and private sectors, the scheme will bring a select group of broadcast professionals to the UK for 2 weeks from 20th - 31st October 2008. This will be the 13th such group we have brought to the UK since 1996.

During this time a highly intensive and varied programme is set up, tailored to meet the interests of those selected to participate. It is a unique opportunity for the fellows to share ideas and experiences with each other and their UK counterparts, and to develop new goals. This is also a rare occasion for senior people in the UK media to learn about broadcasting issues and experiences from around the world.

We are now inviting applications for this year’s programme. We would be most grateful if you could distribute the application form and guidelines (attached) to as many media contacts as possible. If you wish to pass on an internet link, all of the application documents are available at

The deadline for receipt of applications here in London is Friday 22nd August 2008 at noon (GMT).

BBC World Service - “A defining year for BBC World Service”, says 2007/08 Annual Review - July 8, 2008

The BBC World Service Annual Review for 2007/08, published today (8 July), provides information about its performance during a year of major news events.

In his foreword, BBC World Service Director Nigel Chapman said: “It was a broadcasting year that saw the launch of the first BBC television news channel for a decade, improvements to our future media services, and the retention of our global radio listenership after the large increase of the previous 12 months.

“In these ways, 2007/08 can be seen as a defining year; we demonstrated our ability to innovate while retaining the affection of audiences, who have been loyal to us for a large part of our history.”  

The review highlights:
◦ BBC World Service’s further developing its multimedia strategy, including the launch of BBC Arabic television.

◦ Independent research which indicates that BBC World Service's reputation for providing unbiased and objective news and information is stronger than that of any other international radio competitor in virtually all markets surveyed.

◦ BBC World Service’s weekly radio audience estimate is 182 million listeners a week across its 33 language services - down one million on last year’s record 183 million total.

◦ Its English language service attracted 40 million weekly listeners – up two million on last year.

◦ BBC World Service weekly audiences in Indian and Nigerian radio markets each grew by around a million or more during the year.

◦ BBC World Service is now available on FM in 154 capital cities, up from 152 last year.

◦ BBC World Service’s online sites attracted a record 259.6 million page impressions in March 2008, compared to 189.8 million in March 2007 – an increase of 37 per cent.

◦ The quality of its output being recognised with a record nine awards in the 2008 Sony Radio Academy Awards and the top award in the radio category of the Webbys – the Oscars of the internet.

◦ BBC Global News services – which include BBC World Service, BBC World News television and – the BBC’s international-facing online news site – maintaining its record global weekly audience of over 233 million during 2007/08.

◦ BBC World Service’s Grant-in-aid funding for 2007/08 was £255 million.

VPRT - Ausschuss korrigiert den Kommissionsvorschlag zur Novellierung des europäischen Telekommunikations- und Frequenzrechts - July 8, 2008
from Gesa Klebe/VPRT

Der VPRT-Vorstand hat auf seiner heutigen Sitzung ausdrücklich begrüßt, dass der federführende Industrieausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments gestern die ersten Weichen für die Reform des EU-Rechtrahmens für elektronische Kommunikationsnetze und -dienste, das so genannte „TK-Paket“, gestellt und dabei drohende Fehlentwicklungen korrigiert hat. Ebenso wie der Rat stärkt das Europäische Parlament die Rechte der Mitgliedstaaten, die nun nicht befürchten müssen, dass ihnen wertvolle Rundfunkfrequenzen entzogen werden.

Dr. Tobias Schmid, VPRT-Vizepräsident und Vorsitzender des Fachbereichs Fernsehen und Multimedia im VPRT: „Die Berichterstatterin hat durch ihre weitsichtige und erfolgreiche Koordinierung mit den mitberatenden Ausschüssen – insbesondere mit dem Kulturausschuss – einen ausgewogenen Berichtsentwurf vorgelegt. Trotz seines liberalen Grundansatzes berücksichtigt er auch die Belange des Rundfunks. Sollten diese Änderungen so vom Europäischen Parlament beschlossen werden, würde die Balance zwischen der notwendigen Liberalisierung und der Sicherung der kulturellen und Medienvielfalt gewahrt werden.“

Die zuständigen Parlamentsausschüsse haben am gestrigen Tag über zahlreiche Änderungsanträge abgestimmt. Im September wird die Debatte einen weiteren Höhepunkt in der ersten Lesung erreichen. Ein Gemeinsamer Standpunkt des Rates soll Ende November verhandelt sein.

Arbitron Panelists Wake Up to New Portable People Meter VIP Service - July 8, 2008
from Thom Mocarsky/Arbitron

Arbitron Inc. announced that it now offers a free, customized concierge service targeted to Portable People MeterTM survey participants between the ages of 18 and 34.  The user-controlled, web-based, telephone wakeup and reminder service is designed to improve compliance by increasing the day-to-day contacts between the PPMTM respondents and Arbitron’s ongoing panel relations efforts.

Called the PPM VIP Service, PPM panelists in New York, Houston and Philadelphia who live in households with a person age 18 – 34 in residence can use the personal digital calendar service to help keep track of their hectic schedules.  Users can simply visit their password protected panelist web page and register any phone number to receive customized alerts for any personal event.

Once a panelist activates the service, they can receive alerts and reminders on as many as five different numbers.  The simple, user-friendly Web site lets a panelist modify messages for each phone number, time of alert and personalize the content with exact text for every message they enter into the system.  Later, when PPM VIP Service calls back at the designated day and time, an automated voice reads the same message the panelist input into the Web site.

“We’ve made tremendous strides in improving the representation of 18-34 year olds in all our PPM markets,” said Owen Charlebois, President, Technology and Research & Development, Arbitron Inc.  “We’ve seen double digit increases in DDI performance for 18-34 across the board, with equally significant increases for blacks and Hispanics in that demographic.  The increase in sample has also markedly improved the proportionality of our PPM samples in terms of age, race, ethnicity and language preference.  The PPM VIP Service is just one of many tools and programs we are using to enhance sample quality in our continuous improvement programs.” 

Arbitron will consider adding to the options offered and expanding the service to additional PPM markets after an evaluation of panelist adoption rates and long-term usage patterns.

VPRT - ZDF will "Zuschauer" als Sparte definieren - Unzulässige Umgehung des 12. Rundfunkänderungsstaatsvertrages und der Brüssel-Vorgaben - July 7, 2008
from Gesa Klebe/VPRT

Berlin, den 07. Juli 2008   Deutliche Kritik hat der Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien e. V. (VPRT) an den bekannt gewordenen Planungen des ZDF geäußert, den digitalen Doku-Kanal in einen "Familienkanal" umzuwidmen. "Es gibt keine Sparte ‚junge Familie’ - das ZDF versucht mit diesem durchsichtigen Vorstoß erneut, einen Platzhalter zu definieren, der dauerhaft ein zweites unterhaltendes Vollprogramm ermöglicht. Man scheut sich offenbar nicht, mit dem Einstampfen des Doku-Kanals noch eines der letzten echten Grundversorgungselemente des ZDF zu schleifen", so VPRT-Vizepräsident Dr. Tobias Schmid.

Das widerspreche den Bestrebungen der Kommission, die digitalen Spartenkanäle aus den Bereichen Kultur, Bildung und Information endlich präziser einzugrenzen und Wettbewerbsverstöße zu verhindern. Zudem werde durch den Vorstoß auch die durch Brüssel vorgegebene Reihenfolge "konkrete Beauftragung durch den Gesetzgeber, dann Präzisierung durch die Anstalten" auf den Kopf gestellt. "Die Rechtsaufsicht muss dem ZDF schon im Eigeninteresse der Anstalten deutlich machen, dass Spielregeln einzuhalten sind". Sonst werde den Ländern nichts anderes übrig bleiben, als künftig auch die Digitalkanäle nur nach einem transparenten Public-Value-Test zu genehmigen, um den Staatsvertrag nicht erneut in Brüssel verteidigen zu müssen.

EBU - European broadcasters go green - July 7, 2008
from Michelle Roverelli/EBU

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has launched a multimedia package of co-productions to promote greater awareness of climate change. The proposal was announced at the EBU's General Assembly in Budapest by the Director of Eurovision TV, Bjørn Erichsen.

Climate change and global warming are high on the international political agenda. This year's G8 summit- which starts today in Japan- sees climate change as one of its main topics of discussion.

Public service broadcasters also have a key role to play in this field. It is at the very heart of public service to inform citizens about environmental issues and possible solutions.

The multimedia package named 'Green on Air' represents the EBU's contribution to the global warming campaign. The programmes - covering many genres including documentary, entertainment, children and youth, and online services - will be produced over the next 18 months and screened in December 2009 when the UN Global Summit on Environmental Issues is held in Copenhagen. 'Green on Air' is a programme package of 51 formats, compiled from 40 broadcasters and independent production companies in 14 European countries.

"All programmes and online services aim to provide an unbiased and balanced contribution to the European debate about global warming and to educate citizens and broaden the public's understanding of the need for individual and collective action," Erichsen said.

Thirty-five Members across the Eurovision territory have already shown interest in the project, and in the coming months the package will be researched and developed further.

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